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Skärmavbild 2024-04-04 kl. 18.18.43.png


A horror documentary about life after death. The film follows Björn, Tom, and Katta, who together make up the group Team Swedish Hauntings. They are searching for answers to the question: Is there life after death? Their goal is to capture images and sounds that can convince not only themselves but the entire world of the existence of the spirit realm.


The film also portrays the sense of alienation experienced by the three main characters. They have faced bullying, chronic pain, and the loss of loved ones. The word ‘paranormal’ can be understood as ‘beside the ordinary,’ and their pursuit of the supernatural becomes a quest for a place where it’s okay to be different.

PARA NORMALT is produced by Annika Gritti and Andreas Eidhagen at The Motor in co-production with Niklas Gyberg, who is the director. Para Normalt is planned as a short film. For current updates and production information, please contact Andreas or Annika at
The Motor.

Feature Film & Television Productions
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